How to know Mrs Right

Before you find Mrs Right, you should read the article below first then you can be surely find the right one instead of the wrong one.

How to Analyze a Dating Profile and Increase Your Chances of Not Finding Ms. Wrong
By AnthonyJ33, eHow Member

Dating can be a tricky, delicate endeavor. It can be hard enough to just meet someone, let alone someone that you click with and want to date. Many guys turn to online dating sites to find Mrs. Right, but too many times Mrs. Wrong rears her ugly head. Read these tips designed to help you navigate the murky world of online dating and find Mrs. Right!

Things You’ll Need:


Step 1

Be Skeptical of Ads with no Pictures - If a person takes the time to write a detailed dating profile, which probably includes everything from eye color to shoe size, but omits a personal(and recent) picture, bells should go off immediately in your head. Not that anybody is perfect, but a pictureless dating profile makes no sense. A person's face is visible for the world to see in the so-called "real world"; why would someone cloak themselves in physical anonymity on a dating site?

Step 2

Watch for Code Words - Dating profiles are not known for their accuracy and truthfulness; most dating profiles seem to fit the criteria for admission into Fantasyland! It's common for a person creating an online dating profile to embellish, to skirt the edges of reality, and to modify or "sweeten" up certain personal or physical areas that they deem lacking. For example, a person who is on the larger side may use the following "code words" to describe their physicality: generously proportioned, curvy, thick, not skinny, and a little extra padding. Words like Obese, fat, and severely overweight don't seem to be part of internet dating profile lexicon. Not to poke fun at anybody, but the bottom line is this: fat is fat, skinny is skinny, tall is tall, and short is short. Be wary of ads that are fuzzy or shady or use oblique, indirect-sounding words.

Step 3

Be Wary of Attitude - Many dating profiles seem to reek with attitude and hostility. Whether a person has been burned in love, left hanging dry by a deadbeat spouse, or been used and abused one too many times in love, many ads seem to be written by people who are so pissed off at the world and/or the opposite sex that they assume a preemptive position of hostility. When you come across an ad like this, just imagine severed male genitalia and your beloved pet boiling in a pot on the stove and move on! Fatal Attraction was a great movie but leave it on the big screen where it came from! Don't give these ads a second look; you will do yourself a giant favor by moving on and continuing your search!

Step 4

Keep Your Financial Info Secret - Unless you don't mind having someone interested in you, or not interested in you possibly, based mainly on your income level, keep that part of you under wraps. If you are seeking a genuine, good-hearted, and down-to-earth type of a person, then don't bother with ads written by people who sound more than a little interested in what you do, what type of car you drive, how much money you make, and where you live. If a person sounds as if they are looking to find someone to support them, spoil them, take care of them, or show them the finer things in life because they think they deserve it- click "next" on the dating profile list and move on!

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